Things I don't understand
1. Phone books - I mean seriously! I am astonished these are still in existence (astonished in the same way I am about how fax machines,...

Those voices!
One of my favorite things in the world is live theater. My sister and I have season tickets to the Broadway Series at Playhouse Square in...

Design Thinking
I Just got back from meeting my new work team! Everyone was so welcoming and the training planned for the team was stellar. It was on...

Dangerous Beauty
As I was reading one of the many self-help books piled beside my bed, I came across a reference to the movie Dangerous Beauty. The movie...

And today....we chant (108 times to be specific)
Today was grueling. Physically and mentally. We got home from last night's yoga teacher training session around 10 p.m. and we picked...

NaNoWriMo Starts Today!
So for 4 years I have been telling myself I am going to commit to, and complete the task of writing 50,000 words in one month (which...

You are magick!
So as I prepare to attend a séance tonight, I can’t help but think about my recent trip to Salem, Mass. a few weeks back. I loved it...

A good friend Sarah Szweda posted the following link on Facebook a few years back and tagged me along with some other folks. In her post...

Third time is a charm!
I need your dream achieving help! One of my vision board goals this year was to be published in Elephant Journal. Well, what they say...

Graffiti Book Club
*photo credit: i.pinimg.com So a few of my girlfriends and I got together for our first meeting of Graffiti Book Club last weekend. The...