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Third time is a charm!

I need your dream achieving help! One of my vision board goals this year was to be published in Elephant Journal. Well, what they say must hold true - third time is a charm! I just got word that after two previously failed attempts to publish with Elephant, I was successful with this last one! Eek! Yay!

If I can get enough shares, views, likes Elephant will spotlight the article on the site's landing page. Here's the link to the article: comes the ask!

Please share, like, view, and promote the holy hell out of this! If you can add a personal note and repost the link on your social media sites (and ask your friends to do the same) I’d be super grateful! And, if you can click the heart on the Elephant Site page when reading the article I'd really appreciate it!

I'd like the opportunity to be a regularly contributing writer on the site, but I can only do that if you are reading and sharing what I write. Thank you in advance for helping this girl cross an item off the bucket list.

I am the luckiest to be a part of such an amazing social media tribe 🙂 Mauh

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