As the Christmas cards begin to find their way to my mailbox, I thought I’d join my peeps and share some good tidings and holiday cheer of my own.

I am not sure if it is fortunate or unfortunate that my 2015 digital card is still relevant today, but relevant it remains. This December, however, as an added embellishment to my seasonal greeting, I’ve included a mock Bumble profile write-up to compliment the photo (similar to the holiday newsletter update routinely sent this time of year by friends and fam).
So here it goes…
Looking for mixtape romance. Someone who stimulates my mind as much as my body. A person who nudges me toward risks I’m scared to take (but really really want to), and who is also hustling to achieve their own pie in the sky dreams.
I want someone who will play with my hair and tell me I’m pretty, and smart, and good - sincerely and often, but especially when I’m convinced I’m not. I want someone crazy in love with me - with my strengths and my shadows. And a person who offers a safe place to explore them both.
I enjoy, well, pretty much everything, and try to do it all too. So I need someone who can keep up, but also a person for whom I wouldn’t mind slowing down. I’m an Ennagram 4, Libra Rising, Pisces Sun, Sag Moon, ENFJ, Vata Dosha, Strength-Finder Woo, Physical Touch Love Language type who is still working on determining my family of archetypes (warning - the first few aren’t so pretty).
I’m A LOT (two words btw) who refuses to settle for a little.
I’m an introspective extrovert. I think I have undiagnosed ADD with a splash of OCD. I like attention and want yours, so saying fuck it to what you need to do and making me what you want to do goes a long way in winning my affections.
If that’s not enough to have you cyber-stalking me, I’m also super stubborn, bossy, and very very picky. I like nice things, but more than that - I crave big ideas. I cry at everything, am really bad at driving, and even worse with directions. Like legit terrible. I’ve also been called slightly dramatic.
So line on up boys!
I’m also stand by you loyal, open-minded and creative, and intensely passionate. I’m free-sprited, and funny as fuck (at least according to Jen) - mainly because my life provides great material for a tragicomedy.
I’m dynamic, and nuanced, contradictory and complex.
I’m a girl looking for mixtape romance.
Here’s to manifesting love in the New Year :)