What are you signing up for?
Just a chance to recreate yourself
(that's all)
I've been searching. Long and hard. In a constant state of self-revolution: I'm a seeker - of people, of places, of ideas. I have read the websites, attended the festivals, taken the classes. But I wanted more.
To linger in the experiences a while longer...to see others experience the magic. I wanted to keep the connection I felt to the stranger next to me as we joined voices in Om with hundreds of others in a field in Philadelphia. I wondered if the person in front of me as we waited in line to walk over fire ever finally faced her fears once she got back to her house in the suburbs. I wasn't ready to put the book that prompted me to change my life back on the shelf.
But when I went searching for ways to draw out these experiences, I hit a wall. The commitments were too long, often they didn't offer the chance to meet the women on the other side of the screen, or they were uber expensive.
My first idea was to sell everything I own, became an ex-pat living in Paris - sip lattes, eat crusty bread, and soak in all the romanticism of the city. Being a single-mom to a 7 year old made this choice an unlikely option so I scoured the internet for alternatives.
An artist retreat in Thailand where I could ride elephants with a group of other adventurous women while honing my writing, surrounded by majestic mountains and cascading waterfalls, sounded like a good alternative until I saw the cost. With a price point well above what I can afford (even if I did eat nothing but Raman for the next 7-10 years, and believe me I considered that as an option) I was forced to cross that adventure off the bucket list too - for now.
So knowing that I wasn't quite ready to move to different country and uproot my daughter, and not being able to afford the exotic reprieve so many other programs in this vein offer, I did what any completely crazy rebel soul would do - I decided to curate the kind of experience I wanted, but couldn't find, for me and 9 of my soon to be new bff's.
You still with me? Click on program overview and courses to see the curriculum I created for rogue souls like ours.