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Oh no! I'm running out of time! Who can help!?I

New York Public Library Revolution Exhibit

I make bucket lists/vision boards all the time! Like All The Time! So when in a text exchange earlier today I was sent a promo for a naked bike ride coming to Cleveland this summer, I was immediately reminded of one of my lists! Naked bike riding wasn't on it, but being a model in a still life drawing class was. I started frantically searching my old blog site, my google drive, even old emails for the list I had written that particular item on; I wanted to see what else I had intended to accomplish and to check my progress on said items.

The list was actually an old blog post on this site that I published last March titled "39 Things to Do Before I Turn 39". I should have been tracking my progress wayyyyyy sooner as my birthday is only 45 days away now, and judging by this list I still have lots to accomplish!

So here comes the ask - wouldn't it be fun to see how many of the unchecked items we could cross off together in a little over a month! If you are able to help, put me in touch with someone who can, or have ideas of how to accomplish some of the below I'd love to hear about it in the comments! If you'd like to join me in doing one of the below, even yet! The list from last year is copied below with those things I somehow did manage to accomplish differentiated by the red font and some annotations, and the ones I still need to find a way to do in black font.

  1. Do something special with Liv (like another surprise Great Wolf weekend) - I surprised Olivia and my sister with a trip to NYC this summer to see Frozen and Anastasia on Broadway.

  2. Host ten workshops promoting the Rogue_Revel program. (Sadly, I only have done 4 workshops). Nat? Erika? Anyone? Anyone? But I will be hosting an open house about the program in a few weeks at my house so PM if interested :)

  3. Summit a mountain. - Had the chance to do this in Oregon this summer.

  4. Publish something (again). - Elephant Journal and Rebelle. Check and check.

  5. Run a half marathon. - I did this alone, in a park, in a strange city. No bib number. No sideline support. No expectations.

  6. Finalize my divorce (finally).

  7. Make a piece of art for my house with friends. Linda Jayne?! Can we do something with our sisters on my third floor which I'm trying to turn into a yoga studio?

  8. Get through Destinos.

  9. Volunteer. - Just signed up to be a reading buddy at Olivia's school.

  10. Complete Nanowrimo.

  11. Learn something about Greek Mythology (I would love to take a class on this – so if anyone hears of anything please holler).

  12. Quit a nasty habit.

  13. Stay at the Syliva.

  14. Take a vacation alone.

  15. Rip out those damn bushes. If anyone needs a great landscaper, Jerry Whaley is your guy!

  16. Get built-in built. (I actually have no idea what I meant when I wrote this, so I'm counting it as a win!)

  17. Participate in a book club. - Christy, Ash, Holly, and Jen - I am counting our one meeting of Graffiti book club here! Would still like to continue that.

  18. Get another tattoo.

  19. I had to steal this one from Stephanie Franklin’s list in the article referenced in previous blog post: “Fly to another city just to have dinner with friends.”

  20. Actually, I’ll steal two from Franklin: “Appear in a cabaret show [and] a Broadway play." Oh, and be in a parade! (That one I came up with on my own! Ashley - we can do this one together when you run for Board of Education!)

  21. Pilot something new at work.-  Unity Pole thanks to a FB tag from Sarah Swzeda. Would have loved to have been there for Human Books Rasel!

  22. Get a tenure track teaching position at Tri-C.

  23. Attend a family wedding with my date. (How is this one so hard?! Like I'm really beginning to think it might be harder than 19).

  24. Finalize plans to travel to India. THIS. IS. HAPPENING.

  25. Purchase a geode.

  26. Take Olivia to that diamond store with gems and minerals. They closed. So sad. But counting this as a win since out of my control. So now I'm happy!

  27. Take Liv to that Christmas town in Michigan. Mom, Ash, and Aunt Di - I am so happy I got to make this memory with you all of you!

  28. Acquire a pool (in a way that leaves me only happy - this is too hard to explain).

  29. Build a new patio complete with a pergola and fairy lights.

  30. Get more sleep. My go to bed alarm is set at 10:35 and I usually stick to that.

  31. Make my parents proud. I really hope I've done this.

  32. Make my daughter proud. See above :)

  33. Reconnect with old friends.

  34. Seriously consider teacher training. I finish the weekend before my birthday with my 200 hr. certification!

  35. Get organized (this is about as unlikely as me appearing in a cabaret show by this time next year, but I’ve always been about dreaming big so it’s going on this list). - I think I am much more organized than last year? Maybe? I hope? I've purged a lot after the house fell down :)

  36. Learn to play a song on the guitar from my daughter.

  37. Be the subject of a still life art class.

  38. Attend Tri-C jazz fest (I have no idea how I've not been to this yet!).

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