Sayonara 2018!
“A dream, all a dream, that ends in nothing, and leaves the sleeper where he lay down, but I wish you to know that you inspired it.” – Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Time to reflect again. One thing I’m grateful for is that each New Year's Eve I commit to paper my goals and dreams for the future. I enjoy looking back to the post I wrote at this exact time the previous year to see both what I’ve accomplished, and where I fell short.
Here are some things I had on last year’s list that I’m happy to say I can cross off as complete, or at least in the works!
Reestablished myself as a runner! 10 miles as of Dec. 11
Blogged fairly consistently
Will be booking my flight to India within the next few months
Established myself as an entrepreneur and held my first successful sister circle this summer

Things I didn’t quite finish….yet
Visit New Orleans
Write 50,000 words in one month
Do more aerial yoga! However, I just learned that an aerial certification is coming to the area soon! And in March I will have graduated from my 200 hour basic yoga training! Stay tuned for my upcoming class schedule!
This Year's Unexpected Surprises….
My mom almost dying
A few huge heartbreaks
Olivia’s school redistricting
I swear that for the past 5 years I have said, "The next one is my year! It is going to get better" and this year, I find myself repeating the same verse, but here are some of the highlights of 2018!
My double chandeliers and beautiful home renovations
Finding community at Church of the Angels
A new lucrative career opportunity
Being published in Elephant
Liv doing Stage Crafters
Finally making it to Boston and Salem!
Giving something new a chance! And taking the advice of Bob’s ex-wife
Reevaluating the yin and yang of the year I’d like to share a story shared with me while attending one of my bestie’s first public yoga classes. "It’s about a farmer who lost his horse and his neighbor came over and said, ‘You’ve lost your horse, man, sorry about the bad news.’ And the farmer just says, ‘Who knows what’s good or bad?’ A couple of days later, that horse comes back, and it’s followed by 13 other horses. In that time, if an animal is on your land, now you’re the rightful owner. So, the neighbor sees all the horses and comes over to give him congratulations of good luck, and the farmers says, ‘Who knows what’s good or bad?” A couple days later, the farmer’s oldest son was riding one of the new horses and falls off and breaks his leg. And the neighbor, he’s on top of everyone’s business, he comes over and says, ‘Oh man, what luck, those damn horses! Your son broke his leg, that’s messed up.’ And you know, the farmer remains calm and replies, ‘Who knows what’s good or bad?’ Sure enough, the king of the whole province wanted to expand his territory militarily, and he was drafting young men to go to war. And so, he stopped at the farmer’s house looking for his oldest son. Of course, just so happened that his oldest son had a broken leg, so he didn’t have to go to war. And you know, the moral of the story is, who knows what’s good or bad? We have to let things unfold, stay centered, and attend to them as they happen without judgement.”
Nice reframing right!?!?
I don't know about you, but here's how I plan on greeting 2019.