Riding the wave of the current eclipses
I'm an emotional energy wreck today, and I'm totally blaming it on the multiple eclipses.
It can't possibly be that I have to do more internal spirtual work on myself, right?!
Today was disastrous for me on several accounts. I couldn't just shut the fuck up even after reading an article on just that topic! I was reactionary, and had I just been patient the situation would have resolved itself and I could have carried on with the ease I woke up with this morning.
But nope - not me!
I chose to dig in, hunker down, and get mad and sad and obsessive. It's kinda my thing!
Due to some personal family matters going on in my life, I have not been to yoga in over 7 weeks. Today it became crystal clear that I needed to get back to my practice for my mental sanity.
So after work, I headed up to CLE Yoga to try a class with a teacher who was new to me. Let me just tell you, Christie Gascoigne was awesome, and may want to consider a second career as some type of medium or something. I swear this woman is psychic. She zeroed in on me at the beginning of class, asked if I was runner, and continued to give me the gifts of her attention and touch throughout the class (two things which I love and actually wrote about in a previous blog post). Everything she said, jibed with me. She even knew when some of us were judging ours rolls in shouldstand and called us out on it :). And, I never sweat - like never - and I was pouring sweat in this class from every gland in my body. I can't help but think it was a release of toxins and negative energy I've been playing host to as of late. I stayed after class to thank her for these gifts and when I asked how she knew I was A) a runner and B) that I needed some TLC tonight, her response was just that "she felt my energy". Things like this make you a believer!
Tonight's class along with a special Amazon delivery full of all my Yoga Teacher Training Supplies has raised this yogi's vibrations. I'm so intrigued what one even does with some of the items on the supply list?

But I'm beyond pumped to find out! Tongue Scraping anyone?

I feel like a kid picking out school supplies again! 21 Days Till Go Time!
And while I don't see myself as a very effective teacher (I don't exactly scream Zen) I've gotten votes of confidence from a few people I have come to really admire and respect! So maybe I can actually pull this off afterall?! Stay tuned to see I guess!