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I honestly couldn't think of "encouraging words" for this one...

As the school year draws to an end, Olivia's folder has been stuffed with her work from the year - worksheets, art projects, reminders of what we can be working on this summer, etc. Her school also uses a program called Artsonia which is an online gallery of students' art. It allows parents and friends to comment on the student's art, upload additional art by the student, and order items ranging from puzzles to bangles featuring the student's art. Here's one of the bracelets I've ordered from their site featuring a piece by Liv:

This week I got a message that she had new artwork awaiting viewing and soliciting encouraging comments. When I clicked on the link this is what I saw:

Ummmmm....what does one even say here?!

Great job, honey - I see a job sketching the profile of potential serial killers in your future!

This is a great horror flick rendition?

All I know, is I'm glad I received the email when I wasn't with Liv so I was prepared when I pulled the hard copy out of her backpack.

Thanks to my sister we were able to focus on the nice nose shading and the accurate use of proportions in the drawing. I was also relieved to discover that this was not, in fact, supposed to be self portriat as I had originally assumed.

I love featuring my daughter's creative endeavors around the house, but I think I'll skip framing this one ;) Perhaps the "Rock the Potluck" collage lol!

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