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CIFF and Virtual Reality Fun

I can't believe how long it took me to get to the Cleveland International Film Festival!

Last year was my first year attending, thanks to comped tickets provided by Tri-C, and I was instantly smitten. I took a vacation day last year, and took myself on a solo date to the cinema to see American Anarchist. The documentary focuses on the infamous The Anarchist Cookbook written by William Powell.

Since its publication the book has been linked to several global acts of terrorism. I was extremely uncomfortable and also empathatic watching Powell be confronted with the disasters linked to a book he wrote decades ago when he was only 19.

Roger Ebert says, " The Anarchist’s Cookbook is nothing more than the product of an idealistic mind that mistakenly believed the public would embrace its instructions as a tool to fight against evil, rather than be used by those who, like Heath Ledger’s Joker and the character’s real-life doppelgänger in Colorado, 'just want to watch the world burn.'"

This year I picked to see an equally uplifting film: Ana, Mon Amour. The story is that of two graduate students in a co-dependent relationship. Ana suffers from paralyzing panic attacks and Toma takes on the roles of lover and caretaker. As the CIFF writeup states, "As events unfold [in the film] it becomes less clear whether the biggest issue in their partnerships is Ana's unstable mental state or Toma's desire to control her. Unlike many movies about tumultuous love, Ana, Mon Amour does not romanticize the experience, but instead portrays its raw imperfect form".

This year I actually made my way to the virtual reality experiences too! You get three tokens for free and I was intent on seeing Night Night which the CIFF catalog describes as a "VR Experience that takes you on a terrifying journey from the safety of your childhood bed to a clown-filled nightmare dreamscape".

I didn't end up getting to see the scary short as I watched Ch'aak S'aagi (Eagle Bone) first. Because I required help with the VR equipement (def. a user error lol), it took me a little longer than anticipated to get through the first experience, and by the time I went to cash in my second token they were shutting down shop for the night :(

In any case, we had a lovely evening. If you haven't been I encourage you to go. If you have gone, I'm curious what you saw and what you thought! I have two extra tickets if anyone wants them to attend today or tomorrow. Mentor Pickup :)

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