Published! Rebelle Society
So I don't write much and actually send it anywhere. However, one of my goals this year was to publish something ,and I'm so humbled and honored that Rebelle Society found my work worthy! I first published a poem for Rebelle back in March 2017. The poem was called The Understudy and more than anything else, it was a way for me to try to process the pain I was feeling after a recent breakup . The poem they published this week is titled Lost Liberation: This Is Just the Arc of the Story.
Rebelle describes itself as "a virtual country that gives a home and a voice to the creatively maladjusted rebels with a cause, the nonconformists, dreamers, the expressive troublemakers trying to rise above their circumstances and lead an extraordinary life by creating their lives and inspiring the world with their passion." Sounds like a worthy mission statement to me!
Now that I've achieved finding my own words on the site I love, it's time to dream bigger. Next up: attend one of the Creative Rehab Trips to Bali advertised on the Rebelle website (I mean how freakin awesome would that be!!!) I better start manifesting the funding for that immediately (after, of course, I manifest the money I will need to replace all my sidewalks; unlike the aforementioned breakup - I'm still processing the pain of that one. Thanks FB friends for all your words of encouragment and advice.)

If you are into "celebrating the Art of Being Alive through words and mixed media" I encourage you to check out their site!