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Rogue Revel Retreat Date and Guest Speaker Announced

Hi all,

For those of you who may have been waiting to apply to the program until we solidified more details...I have good news! I am well on my way to booking speakers/activities for the day retreat part of the program.

While the location has yet to be determined (it will be somewhere in the greater Cleveland area or surrounding suburbs), the date has been! The retreat will happen on Saturday, July 28 so place a hold on your calendars now.

One of the speakers at the retreat will be Param Srikantia. Recently named one of the 8 greatest management educators in the world, Dr. Srikantia (Ph.D. Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University) is also a spiritual leader, author, and presenter who has reached over 25,000 people across cities and continents.

Param teaches how to be present, how to unlock our hidden potentials, and how to experience creative breakthroughs! I met Param several years ago while attending his "Why Life Sucks: Enjoying the Lightness of Being Seminar". His aura is profound, his energy magnetic. This seminar has since evolved into half and full day workshops that blanket a variety of topics, but which all speak to finding and celebrating our true essence, honoring that place of light within all of us, and being present in each moment independent of shames of the past or anxieties about the future.

As stated in a write-up for Baldwin-Wallace University, "Srikantia is inhabiting a 'blue ocean, space, in which he is uniquely differentiated, integrating insights from the social sciences and humanities, cross-cultural wisdom drawn from global traditions of both the West and East, along with the writings and rare insights of the Indian mystic Osho."

I am humbled and honored to have him as a special guest at Rogue_Revel.

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