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I got demoted and my daughter told on me

I just stepped out of my hot yoga class feeling all smug for actually keeping my balance the whole class when I received the following text from my daughter's friend's mom who had my kiddo over for a play date so I could sweat out my stress:

How quickly the proud fall. I told her I'd explain when I got there (and I got there dressed in tight yoga pants accompanied by stiletto shoes as I changed at the studio from work, but forgot my tennis shoes - this did not help cement me as fit Girl Scout mom material).

So here's the story. I signed Olivia up for Girl Scouts under the assumption that some mom (not me) would be in charge of leading the meetings, coming up with the crafts, and controlling 14 screaming 8 year olds for an hour once a month. I had no idea that we would be asked to rotate leading meetings (or that I'd be taking off work in order to do so as I'm an 8 to 5er and meetings occur at 2 on Thursdays immediately following school). No matter. I'm a team player and I was ready to do my part....except....that I always over commit myself which leaves me mostly running from thing to thing barely able to remember my name let alone the snacks and drinks for a bunch of little Brownies. Olivia still laments how I let her troop practically starve to death. Add this to the one or two times I had to legitamely bow out of meetings and you can quickly see my demotion in the works.

Last week it was my turn to "lead" the meeting. I had requested the time off, had my book prepared, and was ready to dive into the 'family story' theme so they could earn yet another badge (the majority of which have somehow never quite managed to get sewn on the sash). See photo evidence below:

Since my snack forgetting fiasco the girls were now each responsible for bringing their own snacks as opposed to the parent who was leading the meeting (so really these moms probably owe me a thank you for lightening their load with my incompetence). The day before the meeting the one mom who somehow miraculously seems to hold it all together sent out an email with reminders for the meeting and then I saw it - I was now the 'helper mom' instead of the 'lead mom' for the day. This came as a great relief to me. However, when I preceded to jokingly recount my demotion to my sister, little ears were apparently listening.

Which leads us back to the beginning. Apparently Liv's friend asked what she was up to the following day to which she responded, "I'm supposed to have Girl Scouts but my mom got demoted so I'm not sure."


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