Day Dreaming
Ever since watching The Secret several years ago I've been a fan of vision boards. Actually, my interest started way earlier than that; some 18 years ago I remember watching in fascination as Oprah interviewed a man who had managed to achieve a huge majority of what seemed to be very unrealistic goals he had set for himself.
I remember, post episode, walking my ass over to the computer and creating a word doc with all the things I too wanted to achieve. God, I wish I knew where that list was (I'm hoping it is somewhere safely secure in the bottom of an old hope chest I have, mixed in with letters to lost loves, notes exchanged with girlfriends who I still count among my besties today, and a bunch of "winner for trying" awards I've accumulated throughout the years). Anyhow - I know for certain that swimming with dolphins, and extensive travel to faraway places was on that list - that seemed about as big as I could dream back then.
I'm happy to report that I've since done both :)
That list has sense morphed into blogging about the sights I want to see, the things I want to do, the lessons I hope to learn (actually that's a lie - there is not lesson learning on my list, but I've always been partial to three things in a sentence series).
The latest iterations of my goal lists have been more visual. My rendering from January 2015 looks like this:

And sometime around September 2017 my daughter and I made these boards. I'll let you try to decipher whose is whose ;)

I am fortunate enough to work for an organization that values both professional AND personal development and hosts workshops such as the following:

This means I got to spend my lunch hour last week making yet another vision board. This time, however, instead of cutting out images or words of specific things we wanted to do or accomplish, facilitator Linda Jayne encouraged us to "let the images choose [us]". It was more an abstract piece than a "checklist" per say. Mine is not complete yet, but here is it as work in progress:

If you are someome seeking out yourself, please explore the Rogue_Revel website for opportunities.