My eyelashes: their own entity
I received the below email a little over a week ago from Faux Beauty where I go to get my eyebrows threaded by the amazing Lauryn C.

Can I just tell you that I couldn't get to the phone fast enough!
Getting eyelash extensions has been on my bucket list for several years, but I just could never bring myself to pay the hundreds of dollars they cost to put on and maintain.
Now, here was my chance to try them out, and it would cost me practically nothing!(except the 3 hours I was on the table while Queen worked her magic).
While some may cringe at the time commitment, my time on the table actually proved super relaxing thanks to Queen accommodating my need for a plug so that I could listen to my headphones without my phone dying!
And the end result - so worth it!
Can I just say that I am absolutely totally enamored with the lashes. In fact, I have been referring to them as a separate entity ever since getting them done. Here is what my various texts to friends have looked like over the past several days:
"Save me and my eyelashes a seat at dinner, please."
"Guess who wanted to say good-morning - my eyelashes."
"My eyelashes should have their own social media presence they are so spectacular."

My 8-year old daughter refused to let me walk her into school yesterday because I wouldn't quit fluttering them. "Mom - the eyelashes are a bit much" she declared; "you can not walk me into school doing that." I kept channeling Lola from the Looney Tunes series (another blog post on that to come lol). I, however, feel amazing flaunting them ;)

Anyhow, I just wanted to give a shout-out to Faux Real and their amazing staff. If you have been looking for a place to get waxing, threading, microblading, tinting or facials I encourage you to check them out! If you hurry - you may still be able to "be a model" and try out the lashes (and if you work with me at East they are right up the road). If you do decide to check them out, please let them know I referred.
Lauryn - I love my lashes, but judging by my closeup below it looks like I'm due for brow threading!