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The Party Ends Tonight

As the New Year approaches full of all of its infinite possibilities and promise, I, like many of you, reflect on what I want to do differently – what I hope to change. And, I realize, that all those changes start with leaving the pity party I’ve thrown for myself for the past several months – (or more accurately years) far behind me.

So tonight - I’m allowing oneself one last chance to put the past to rest, release any tears that still sting in my eyes, and wallow. But tomorrow – I try again. To move past old wounds, let go of old resentments, and transform jealousy about the lives others are living into motivation to make my own life one that I stare in awe of.

Yeah, I get it – I know that only 8% of people actually stick to the intentions they so proudly proclaim in those minutes before the ball drops, but still there is a moment of magic there – an unshakeable (if fleeting) belief that we can transcend into something greater, something braver, something more beautiful. There will be time enough for my inner critic to shout her ugly words, to feel that sense of defeat and heartbreak that visits us all, but tomorrow I choose self-love, self-care, and positive affirmations only.

Tomorrow my yoga pants find their position on my mat instead of the couch, my water bottle moves from its stationary spot on the top shelf of the fridge to my mouth, and my Best Self Journal leaves its lonely post at the bottom of my backpack to join my loose leaf cup of tea on the table – ready and waiting for me to write myself into a new reality.

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