Does anyone even read this? And Thank You.
This has been the hardest December ever for me, with the exception of the one when I separated from my ex-husband who I had been with for 17 years. Those of you who know me have heard about my troubles ad nauseam by this point. And still - you listen.
Over the past 2 months I have received all kinds of reminders of how much I am loved from the "I am a bad ass" desk calendar and positive affirmation button, to the beautiful Stella and Dot strength necklace, to the comfy yoga leggings, to the Fandago gift card, to the heavily heavily discounted interior design services.

I wish I could pay all of your kindness back. Instead I'm paying it forward (saddest movie ever btw - especially that Calling All Angels song at the end).
One of my best friend's lost her youngest brother, Jon, the night before Christmas Eve. Their parents died when he was 12, and Jon was moved to a home for troubled youth until Shannon took guardianship of him at age 18 while their other brother Jason was serving as an Infantryman stationed in Germany. Shanny did the best she could raising a kid while still pretty much a kid herself. But some of us have demons that still, in spite of all our trying, triumph.
Jon struggled with addiction for many years, and on that night nearly a week ago he overdosed on heroin while writing out Christmas cards to his siblings apologizing for all the wrong turns his life had taken. Some which he contributed too - others which he certainly did not.
He leaves behind his widow Michelle, and their three year old Eva. Michelle currently works as a waitress at Outback, and their home is the local Motel 8. Shannon has started an emergency fund donation account to try to give his widow and daughter a fighting chance at a better life.

I know we all have our own struggles and it could be easy to dismiss this as just another 'ask'. But for all the years I've known Shannon, she has never asked for help from anyone! EVER! In fact, she has always been the one to open home, heart, and wallet to anyone who might be experiencing their own 'bottom'. She has built a beautiful life for her own family, all on her own merit and dime, against harder odds than many of us face. But, SHE IS ASKING for help now. And I know, that is so extremely hard and humbling for her to do. She prides herself in going it alone. But now the losses have become too great, the future too daunting.
She received one donation from a complete stranger with this message:
"We all live on this earth together. I don’t know you or your siblings, but as a member of this society it is my duty to do whatever I can to lift a neighbor. May you find peace during this difficult time and know in the depths of your soul that none of this is your burden to carry. You have done right by your brother’s memory and for the love of his beautiful child. I am honored to have helped in some small way. "
I know I have no right to ask for any more love and support than I've already been blessed with, (and honestly I don't even know if anyone reads this to know that I'm asking in the first place), but if you can give any help - any donation - no matter how seemingly trivial, I would be so grateful, as I know Shannon and the rest of her family would be.
Writing is something I do more for self-help than anything else, but this time I'm hoping sharing my words will move someone to skip the expensive Starbucks latte, or the next pair of shoes they probably don't need , or the $100 tab on dinner and drinks, and instead choose to give to someone else - even if it is someone they only have come to know through the story which I share.
I don't know any appropriate way to end this, other than with a thank you, and a wish that we all find hope in the new year for better tomorrows.